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Ja, die Bewerber geben auf Kutni viele persönliche Daten preis. Diese müssen geschützt werden. Wenn Dich ein Bewerber interessiert, melde Dich als Arbeitgeber an und kontaktiere den Bewerber.
Employees are particularly sought after in the health and nursing sectors. But also trained craftsmen such as electricians, roofers, mechanics and much more. are wanted. There are also good chances of finding a job in Germany in many other training occupations.
In principle, Kutni is open to everyone. But it makes sense to have completed training.
Yeah yeah If you live abroad and are looking for a job in Germany, Kutni is the ideal marketplace for you.
No, unfortunately that will not work.
Unfortunately, that can happen sometimes. With some employers, hiring processes take longer. In no case ask after 2 days. After 2 – 4 weeks this is ok, but mostly pointless. The companies definitely have an interest in finding a suitable candidate. Think about whether your profile is really meaningful and whether the position really fits your qualifications.
No, you can specify which data are already visible on the portal and which are only made available to certain employers after your consent. In particular, you can have your profile photo pixelated in the portal. This way you stay anonymous if you are still in another job.
By giving as much, but naturally true, information about yourself as possible. Many employers search for terms. It is of no use to anyone if you are just secretly qualified. Write something about yourself and attach relevant certificates. The search terms count in the search even if you haven’t released your testimonials to the public.
Would you like your company to appear on the homepage? Talk to us. We offer special advertising opportunities.
We stop spam. If you have written to too many applicants and, above all, too many who do not actually fit your job advertisement, we will block your Kutni email account. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, please contact our customer service in connection.
There is no general answer to that. That depends on the requirements of the position and the employer.
You can upload additional documents in your dashboard. It is common for these to be uploaded in jpg or pdf format. Please do not import any Word files.
Natürlich ist es sinnvoll, Deutsch zu lernen, bevor man sich in Deutschland bewirbt. In einigen Forschungsberufen oder teilweise IT Firmen in den großen Städten kommt man auch mit Englisch klar. Sinnvoll wäre aber ein Sprachzertifikat mit dem Level B2 zu haben.
Deutschland hat leider ein sehr restriktives Ausbildungssystem. Eine Berufsaubildung bekommt man fast nicht in Deutschland anerkannt. Anders ist es mit Universitätsabschlüssen. Diese kann man durchaus anerkennen lassen.
Mit einem gültigen Arbeitsvertrag bekommt man im Allgemeinen auch eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung. Diese wird je nach Herkunftsland wahrscheinlich erstmal befristet sein. Das heißt aber auch, dass wenn man seinen Job verliert, im Allgemeinen auch den Aufenthaltstitel verliert. Erstmal irgendeinen Job anzunehmen ist daher keine gute Idee.