Fadwam, Fullstack Programmiererin JS, Symphony, php

IT & Telekommunikation

Über mich

A software engineer with five years working experience, she like reading and movies.


National School of Advanced Sciences and Technologies in Borj Cédria (Enstab), (Tunisia) 03/09/2015–10/11/2018

BSc. Software Engineering

C, C++, MySQL, Algorithmic, POO

Arbeitgeber & Berufserfahrung

Sofia Technologies, Tunis (TN) 01.11.2022 - 21.08.2023

Web Develowper

Project: Miraculuim
 Determine and analyze the technical needs
 Develop new features (react, REST API, Node,express)
 Deployment and continuous integration
 Tools and technologies: Gitlab, Node, express, Javascript, React
Project: Ooredoo
 Determine and analyze the technical needs
 Develop new features (Angular, REST API, Node, Express)
 Deployment and continuous integration
 Tools and technologies: Gitlab, Node, express, Javascript, angular
Project: SOM
 Determine and analyze the technical needs
 Deployment and continuous integration
 Tools and technologies: Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Symfony, php, JSON, MySQL, REST API, Git, Gitlab, NPM , Karma
Project: Equipment's management
 Develop new features (Angular, REST API, Nest.js)
 Deployment and continuous integration
 Develop unit tests: Jasmine/Karma
 Tools and technologies: Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, JSON, MySQL, REST API, Docker, Git, Gitlab, NPM, Docker,Jasmine, Karma

ORANGE TUNISIA, Tunis (TN) 07.02.2022 - 07.08.2022

Full Stuck Developer

Project: E-health platform
 Determine and analyze the technical needs
 Deployment and continuous integration
 Tools and technologies: React.js(Redux), HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, Mongodb, REST API, Github, NPM

Freelance 01.10.2021 - 30.01.2022

Freelance Projects

Project: Management of blood donations website
 Determine and analyze the technical needs
 Develop new features ( React.js(Redux), REST API, Node.js(express))
 Tools and technologies: React.js(redux), HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, Mongodb, REST API, Github
Project: Quiz for recruitment site
 Develop new features (React, Redux, REST API, Node.js)
 Tools and technologies: React.js(Redux, Javascript, Mongodb, REST API, Github, NPM

ITGATE,Sousse(TN) 01.01.2021 - 30.09.2021

MERN Developer

Development of a static and dynamic websites
 Technologies: Html5 Css3/JavaScript and DOM- Bootstrap ReactJS, JSX, Redux,MongoDB,NodeJSExpress JS-Client Web sockets,Api- requests with the HTTP module,GIT, webpack

Axiom Energy International, Tunis (TN) 02.05.2019 - 15.12.2020

Project Engineer

Preparation of offers and tender proposals
 Project development and feasibility studies

TunisieTélécom, Sidi Bouzid (Tunisia) 01.07.2016 - 31.07.2016


Studing OSI and TCP/IP models
 Examination of the different topologies, categories, types and physical architecture of networks.


German Language
English Language
Frontend: HTML5 | CSS3 | XML | DOM | JSON | JavaScript ES6 |TypeScript | React.js(Redux)| Material Design | Bootstrap
Backend: Nest.js| PHP |Node.js (Express) | Symfony | SpringBoot |
Database: MySQL |MongoDB
DevOps: Docker | Git | Github| Gitlab
Unit Testing: Jasmine | Karma
Methodologies: Agile | Scrum
Soft Skills: Excellent problem solving skills | Team workflow