Cimena, PHP + JavaScript Programmierer

IT & Telekommunikation

Über mich

Ich bin Çimena, 34 Jahre alt und ein PHP- und JavaScript-Programmierer. Ich lebe in Istanbul und möchte mit einer Blauen Karte nach Deutschland einwandern. 2010 schloss ich meine Grundausbildung in Computertechnik in Ankara ab. Ich arbeite seit 7 Jahren mit JavaScript und seit 5 Jahren mit PHP. Ich bin auch solide in TypeScript und SQL. Zu meinen Fähigkeiten gehören:
Programmierung: PHP (5 Jahre), JavaScript (7 Jahre), TypeScript, jQuery, Ajax, React, AngularJS, Vue.js, PHP CodeIgniter, Symfony, Laravel, Node.js, JAVA, C#, C++, Python , SQL, HTML , CSS, SCSS, JSON, Bootstrap, Matlab, XML Datenbank: MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase Tools: Qt C++, Linux, Git, Github, Sourcetree, Google Maps, API, Ldap, Apache Directory Service, MS Azure, Docker, AWS, SublimeText, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Microservices
Ich spreche sehr gut Englisch, aber ich spreche kein Deutsch.
Meine Hobbys sind Autorennen, Musik und Spiele spielen.


Atılım University, Ankara 2005-2010

Bachelor of Science (BSc), Computer Engineering

Atılım University - Senior Project Student Information System
Technology: Visual Studio, C# .NET, Microsoft SQL
Designed and developed these features:
• Student success and statistics calculations
• General success graph, Student success graph
• Announcement System
• User Account operations

Arbeitgeber & Berufserfahrung

Açık Deniz IT, İstanbul, Turkey 01.03.2016

Software Developer

SIPER - Secure Messaging system for Corporations
December 2020 - January 2023
Technology: Typescript, JavaScript, Openfire, XMPP, JSON, Node.js
Developed features and bug fixes
Designed and developed these modules by myself entirely:
• Live location message module - Google maps API
• Message search feature
• Broadcast lists message module
• Group Messaging Media module

Belediyem – Town Management Citizen Support system
April 2019 - December 2020
Technology: Php, MS SQL, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON
Developed features and bug fixes
Designed and developed database, frontend, backend for these modules by myself entirely:
• Citizen support ticket system
• Survey Module
• Survey demographics statistics Module
• Support ticket locations - Google maps API

Company website design
June 2020
Designed websites for the company
Developed contact form page that automatically sends email to company info email address
Html, Css design, Contact form page

Ambar - File Sharing and Management system
April 2019 - September 2019
Server setup install, Administrating, Frontend Css design changes
System - Ldap connection Setup
Linux Ldap server setup

Aksıyon - Corporation management project
March 2016 - April 2019
Technology: Php, MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON
Developed features and bug fixes
Designed and developed database, frontend, backend for these modules by myself entirely:
• Php Ldap login system
• Resource assignment Management Module
• Task locations module - Google maps API
• Task reports module

Globit Global IT, İstanbul, Turkey 01.07.2015 - 31.03.2016

Software Developer

MLS Market Limit System
Technology: Java, MS SQL, Sybase, T-Sql, Eclipse
Financial technology and Treasury banking applications
Software support for Banks around the world
Financial Software development and support
Database and system support

Freelance Work 01.05.2011 - 30.06.2015

Website Building - Software Development

Company website design
May 2015
Designed websites for the company
Html, Css design, JavaScript Animation design

Turan Software, Ankara, Turkey 01.12.2010 - 31.05.2011

Software Developer

Animations Project
Mobile and desktop cross platform development
Technology: Qt C++, Qt creator, Qt Animation, Graphics, Transitions Frameworks
Animated Menu Design
Menu Transition Animations, Sliding, horizontal, vertical flip animations

TEİAŞ, Information Technologies, Ankara

Software Developer Intern

in 2009

Yapı Kredi Bank, Information Technologies, Istanbul

Software Developer Intern

in 2008

